Make a
difference today
The Kyneton Historical Society is a not-for-profit organisation run solely by volunteers - so every donation, no matter what amount, helps support our work to preserve, conserve and enhance our shared local history for generations to come. Scroll below to read why gifting matters and how you can support our community organisation to thrive well into the future.
Why Donate?
The Kyneton Historical Society is run solely by volunteers and so relies on kindhearted and generous donations to cover costs.
Basic costs include printing, heating, cooling, storage, office supplies, website hosting and domain name fees.
Local histories belong to everybody. We all benefit from the tireless selfless work volunteers do for their community.
As we say, 'Today is tomorrow's history' so our collections and archives keep growing. With a little financial support, we can make sure our shared history is preserved and enhanced for future generations.
To arrange and develop community exhibitions at the Museum take many many volunteer hours, but also require funds to print information boards, prepare display cases and do a little local marketing.
Even not-for-profit societies need funds – archival materials alone can cost several hundred dollars a year.

“We had heard about our ancestors living in Kyneton during the Gold Rush. KHS were able to confirm this and even show us our former family home.”
“KHS volunteers helped me find out about my Great Great Grandmother. Their knowledge and resources were very helpful. I now make an annual donation.”
“I was researching the history of Agricultural Shows for my thesis and KHS were a great help to me. Making an annual donation is the least I could do in return.”
Four (4) ways you can donate
Payment Options:
1) Direct Deposit into our Commonwealth Bank account at the Kyneton branch.
2) Online EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). Our Bank details are:
Commonwealth Bank (Kyneton)
BSB: 063-517 | Account: 10032044 | Reference: (Your Full Name)
3) Drop-in to the Historical Society to make a cash or cheque donation in-person. We've got a 'Piggy Bank' that just loves being 'fed'!
4) Make our Heritage part of your Legacy
You can contribute to the long-term collection, preservation and promotion of our local history and cultural heritage by bequeathing to the Kyneton Historical Society Inc. (‘the Society’) in your Will.
In doing so, you can make our local heritage part of your legacy to your community and family by supporting Kyneton Historical Society Inc. for future generations of people who share your respect for our volunteer members and their tireless work.
You may simply leave an untied bequest to Kyneton Historical Society Inc. to maintain its diverse activities, or, you may specify a purpose such as ‘for the development and preservation of the collection in all its forms’.
You may also indicate how you would like your name and contribution to be remembered.
There is no obligation to notify the Society that you are leaving a gift in your will, but we would be delighted to know so that we may ensure that your generosity is acknowledged in your lifetime. The following wording may be used as a guide:
‘I bequeath to Kyneton Historical Society Incorporated …
the residue or (percentage) % of the residue of my estate;
the sum of $ (amount); OR (specified items), in aid of the Kyneton Historical Society and for its general purposes.
The written acknowledgement of the Society is to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.’
Your solicitor can provide further assistance and advice, especially if you wish to add a Codicil rather than draw up a new Will.